Sounds interesting.
1. So you're collecting the micro-climate changes - temperature, wind, sound, humidity from cycling maybe to simulate the environmental quality that your inflatable pod had? and change the everyday routine of architects' life cycle?
2. What is the final scene you want to depict from cycling. With the pod, you appreciated the view from the roof top, framed it, incorporated your site context into your space. How are you going to appreciate the Center Point? As well as touching the environmental issues, you also need to look at social/cultural conditions of 'hometown'.
3. It will be a help if you can look at specific site conditions and programmes and try to relate each component (temperatrue, wind, ....) with them. That will provide the logic to your diagram.
4. You can also think about the pattern of the cycles of each architects' group. Is it about a chain, a sort of relay?
or parallel circles parts modulating to each other? or a flower petal which has got a center? The pattern can evolve with your programmes and narratives. So item 3 and 4 is related.
Hope it makes sense.
From: sof sofoklhs
Sent: 13 February 2010 05:34
To: Taeyoung Kim; Tea Lim
Subject: sof programme
Tea and Tae,
this is my first proposal program:
step 1 (see attachment)
activity : cycling the same ride for 3 hours and collecting info about the conditions of the area around the site
5 architects would loop for 3 hours the same ride around the site.
Each one collect different info. The ride that they loop for 3 hours is not the same for everyone.
1st architect have a video camera that records the ride. (only recording..without sound)
2nd architect records the sounds of the ride.
3rd architect have some temperature sensors that record the temperature of the area
4rth architect have wind sensors and records the wind of the area
5ht architect have a humidity sensor and records the humidity in the area
step 2
activity : analyze the collected info
10 architects
2 architects create a video clip based on the recorded video of the 1st architect
2 architects create a sound clip of the area based on the recorded sound of the 2nd architect
2 architects create a temperature diagram of temperature and time based on the temperature recorded of the 3rd architect
2 architects create a wind diagram of wind and time based on the wind recorded of the 4rth architect
2 architects create a diagram of humidity and time based on the recorded dump of the 5th architect
step 3
activity : simulating the recorded conditions in order 10 other architects to inspire from the loop of of the area conditions around the site
25 architects ( maybe more) simulate the conditions and loop those conditions to a room.
projectors project (loops) the video clip to the walls
speakers play (loop) the sound clip to the room
simulating the wind, temperature and the dump (weather conditions)
step 4
activity : 10 architects inspired from that loop of conditions and design, the architects are inside that space...
the program is related to my pod because with cycling - looping the air inside the pod you were creating specific conditions in order to lift up or down
ps : my program that probably is going to be improved till Tuesday.
i ll start tmr to visualize and specify it to papers, and ass i visualize it normally is going to improve..
i just sent you my first step...
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